
Regardless of where we are in our spiritual journey, we all want to grow and experience a deeper understanding of who God is and who we are. Somehow, we often get stuck in the process. Busyness, lethargy, distractions, and confusion all add to limited growth which leads us to feelings of frustration and sometimes guilt. Through the centuries of church history, the application of spiritual disciplines has allowed followers of Jesus to experience growth and maturity.

The goal of this is to create space for you to be transformed by God through the practice of spiritual disciplines. It is simply a list of tools handed down from others who have pursued God intentionally and found these practices to be fruitful.

They are not a list of do’s and don’ts, but instead an invitation to something rich and meaningful. This is not an exhaustive list or strategy, but it will hopefully start you on a path that will lead you to look and act more like Jesus.

What to Expect

This is laid out in multiple sections.

First, there are the major topics. They are divided into four categories: Prayer, Scripture, Sacrifice, and Community.

Second, there will be a weekly practice to help you apply what you’re learning about each topic. On each day, you’ll see a tag as a reminder of the weekly practice.

Finally, there are daily thoughts to stir your thinking with scripture, questions, and some insight on the four major topics. Sometimes these will tie into the weekly practice, and sometimes they will be about that week’s topic.