April 2020
Quarter One Report
As we look back on the past several months, we can see that even though things were uncertain, God was faithful in the midst of it all. It has been incredible to see how God has used you to continue to impact the communities you live in to be examples of His love. Thank you for your partnership!
Thank you for making ministry happen!
A Letter From Pastor Nate
These are interesting times. I have been surprised by the variety of experiences we have been dealing with through this COVID-19 pandemic. Some of us have been dealing with significant financial challenges, others with fear, anxiety, loneliness, boredom, busyness, and a myriad of other responses. Much has changed. Life is currently very different than it was just weeks ago.

I have been drawn to a Scripture that helps me process all of the change and confusion. Hebrews 13:8 says this: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Church has changed, jobs have changed, schools have changed, schedules have changed, but Jesus has not changed. His love, power, direction, and acceptance are the same before, during, and after a pandemic. When we are rooted and anchored in Jesus, He provides stability.

Thank you for continuing to be generous during these changes. We have been able to give away tens of thousands of dollars to those in need. May the unchanging Jesus keep and protect each of us.

- Pastor Nate
No More Mortgage!
Because of your incredible generosity, Faith Chapel was able to pay off the mortgage extra early. We were already on track to be ten years ahead of schedule, and we got to beat that number by six extra months. With the shift in our world as it responds to COVID-19 this has provided Faith Chapel with room to adjust without the weight of debt. Thank you!
How We're Responding
Empowerment and partnerships. Through strategic partnership and personal empowerment, Faith Chapel is committed to helping you be the hands and feet to your community by loving your neighbors and stepping in to fill gaps through the efforts of local organizations. It’s been amazing to see how you all have stepped up to be the church in a tangible way to our city.
Partner Focus:
Family Service
Family Service is one of our local partners and they have been working tirelessly to serve those in our community who find themselves needing assistance. Every day they are creating sacks of food for distribution to families in Billings. We are proud to send Faith Chapel staff there throughout the week to help with their ongoing efforts. Your generosity makes this possible.
Finding Hope in the Darkness
There have been some incredible stories of the church being together with new creativity and initiative. One high school girls small group circled up their cars in the church parking lot, opened up their car doors, and worshiped (one of them brought their guitar), prayed, and had community at a distance. We are together even though we’re apart!
We're Always Looking Ahead
While we still don’t know what the future holds and we’re adjusting daily to the “new normal,” we’re being prayerful for what is in store. We know that God constantly is working things for good, so we look to the future with hope and anticipation. Would you partner with us to pray for: Summer Camps, health, our leaders here and around the world, and local partnerships and efforts in our communities.
Thank you for continuing to partner with us and make ministry happen!
Need Prayer?
Every season has highs and lows, and we want you to know you're not alone in this. Let us know how we can pray for you in this time.
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