We believe that camp can be the best and most significant week of the summer. You are invited to serve at Camp on the Boulder this summer and create spaces for students to experience the love of God. If you want to create life-changing relationships with students while experiencing the beauty of Camp on the Boulder, we would love for you to be counselor this summer!

If you're in your 40s, 50s, or 60s and looking for community - Midlane is for you!   Midlane is a group of people in the middle stages of life who gather to build relationships, share stories, and take steps toward Jesus together. May 14th is their next dinner, you are invited to join the fun! 

One of our core values is We Grow Better Together, and FC Homes is a practical way to live that out every week no matter where you live. This is a way for us to partner with you to bring church to your home. By inviting the people you already have relationship with, you can experience church right where you are with Faith Chapel.